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Nano Silver 50 ppm


Colloidal Silver – 250 ml 


A 2013 study of silver nanoparticles, the ones used in true colloidal silver products, examined the effect of the silver against a variety of microorganisms. The researchers found significant effect against common disease-causing bacteria (Pokrowiecki et al, 2013). Researchers from around the world are currently testing silver nanoparticles for dental use. One study found it helped prevent infection during root canals (Abbaszadegan et al, 2014).


Nano Silver – 250 ml amber glass bottle


Hospitals have begun using filters containing silver to kill MRSA and other harmful organisms. Even the World Health Organization uses silver and colloidal silver in water filters to disinfect water in developing countries (Felipe et al, 2003). The fact is colloidal silver is the least harmful metal to humans and one of the most protective.

Historically, silver was used to preserve milk. Settlers would drop a silver dollar in the milk jug to keep it from spoiling. Babies were fed with silver spoons because those that did were generally perceived to be healthier.

Colloidal silver was used by physicians in the early part of the twentieth century. They stopped using it with the arrival of antibiotics.

A 2013 study of silver nanoparticles, the ones used in true colloidal silver products, examined the effect of the silver against a variety of microorganisms. The researchers found significant effect against common disease-causing bacteria (Pokrowiecki et al, 2013). Researchers from around the world are currently testing silver nanoparticles for dental use. One study found it helped prevent infection during root canals (Abbaszadegan et al, 2014).

An Australian study tested silver nanoparticles against bacteria known to worsen rheumatoid arthritis. The study used a silver preparation in a human subject suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. The researchers found it was potent and offered long-lasting protection against irritation associated with the bacteria (Disaanayake et al, 2014).

When a silver atom encounters a bacterial organism, it binds to the cell and the silver gets absorbed through the cell wall. Once inside the organism, it stops certain essential metabolic functions. This supposedly kills the harmful organism. It’s important to note that silver does this to bacteria and other harmful organisms yet it does not have this effect on healthy human cells.

Silver particles in a true colloid survive digestion and absorption in a way that keeps them active and effective against organisms. Also, a true colloid will never cause argyria, a common concern among people thinking about trying silver products. A true colloid has a smaller particle size.


  1. Felipe Solsona, Juan Pablo Mendez. Water Disinfection.Pan American Center for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences. 2003.
  2. Pokrowiecki R1, Zareba T2, Mielczarek A3, et al. Evaluation of biocidal properties of silver nanoparticles against cariogenic bacteria.Med Dosw Mikrobiol. 2013;65(3):197-206.
  3. Abbaszadegan A1, Nabavizadeh M, Gholami A, et al. Positively charged imidazolium-based ionic liquid-protected silver nanoparticles: a promising disinfectant in root canal treatment.Int Endod J. 2014 Sep 2. doi: 10.1111/iej.12377.
  4. Disaanayake DM1, Faoagali J, Laroo H, Hancock G, Whitehouse M.. Efficacy of some colloidal silver preparations and silver salts against Proteus bacteria, one possible cause of rheumatoid arthritis. 2014 Apr;22(2):73-7. doi: 10.1007/s10787-013-0198-0.

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Weight 0.4 kg


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