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On Call Extra Blood Glucose Test Strips (x 50)




On Call® Extra Blood Glucose Test Strips (x50)

Each box contains 50 Test Strips: 2 bottles with each 25 strips

(50strips: 25/vial, 2vials/kit)

On Call ® Extra Blood Glucose Test Strips

Specifications & Features


  • Small blood sample of only 0.4 μL
  • Fast testing time with results in just 4 seconds

Key Specifications:

  • Glucose Oxidase (GOD)
  • HCT range of 30-55%
  • Fresh capillary whole blood
  • Wide operating temperature range of 5-45oC
  • 300 test memories
  • Test strip shelf life of 24 months; Open vial shelf life of 6 months
  • Auto calibration circuitry inside every strip
  • Less painful testing from palm and forearm

The On Call® Extra Test Strips are thin strips. The strips have a chemical reagent system.
They work with the On Call® Extra Blood Glucose Meter. Together, they measure the glucose concentration in whole blood. Blood is applied to the end tip of the test strip. Then the blood is automatically absorbed into the reaction cell. This is where the reaction takes place. A transient electrical current is formed during the reaction. The blood glucose concentration is calculated based on the electrical current detected by the meter. The result is shown on the
meter display. The meters are calibrated to show plasma equivalent results.
On Call® Extra Test Strips are used by people with diabetes at home. They are also used by healthcare professionals. They are used to measure the amount of glucose in fresh capillary whole blood. Capillary whole blood can be from the finger, forearm, and palm. The system is also used to monitor how well the diabetes control programs work.

Each test strip has reactive and non-reactive chemicals. These chemicals are: Glucose Oxidase < 25 IU, Mediator < 300 μg, Buffer, and Non-reactive Ingredient.
Each test strip vial has a drying agent.


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