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Mercury Reaches the Brain Directly Through the Nerves

Mercury Reaches the Brain Directly Through the Nerves

Mercury Reaches Brain Directly Through

Despite its inability to pass through the brain’s protective barrier by way of
the blood circulation, studies in fish suggest that mercury, which is toxic to
brain cells, can travel directly to the brain through nerves. According to the
research team, this is the first study to establish that mercury can enter the
brain via nerves. The finding can be extrapolated to humans, as nerve
transport also occurs in mammals, including humans. The investigators
exposed brown trout and rainbow trout to mercury by adding it to the water
surrounding them. The researchers also injected fish with solutions
containing mercury, and then looked for mercury in their bodies using a
technique called whole-body autoradiography.

Environmental Science and Technology October 1, 1999;33.

COMMENT: It is great to see this study hit the peer-reviewed literature
but the investigators are terribly confused as they are not the first to
report this finding. Dr. Klinghardt has been teaching this in his courses
for well over one decade. He and I have just completed a 25 paper with
over 125 references on mercury detoxification. It is likely the most
definitive text in the world on the subject. I am very excited about
completing this paper as we have been working on it for over one year.
I will be submitting a 5,000-word abstract of the article to Lancet for
publication. As soon as it is accepted for publication, I will publish the
full article in my newsletter. It will also appear in several parts in the
Townsend Letter.

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